Hope thanks to Brainobact
Autism spectrum disorders such as autism or Asperger syndrome are a great burden for those affected and their families. The active ingredient Brainobact®, developed over many years of research, offers a new approach to treatment and effective support for these and other neurological disorders.
What is Brainobact®?
Brainobact® contains specially treated bacterial strains that, in combination with a unique proprietary technology, greatly increase the production of the body’s own Macrophage Activation Factor (MAF), thereby producing a desired immune modulation throughout the body.
What do affected people say?
The mother of a child with an autism spectrum disorder reports the following after treatment with Brainobact®:
After about 8 months of taking Brainobact®, my son’s symptoms improved significantly. He was now able to participate in social life and expand his contacts. If he was restless or even aggressive in the past, he was now able to behave calmly and appropriately in many situations. In some cases, we were able to discontinue medication such as Ritalin completely. Finally, our son was able to change from special school to normal school. You can easily imagine what a relief all this meant for us as a family!
Mother of an affected child
How does Brainobact® work?
The special mixture of Brainobact® favors the targeted development of the microbiome (intestinal flora). On the other hand, it triggers the body’s own macrophage activation factor (MAF) to a decisive extent, which leads to a significant increase in macrophages or giant macrophages. Macrophages belong to the leukocytes (white blood cells) and are specialized cells of the immune system. They have many complex and important functions. For example, they eliminate microorganisms, tumor cells, but also dead or damaged body cells through phagocytosis (“devouring”). In the central nervous system they promote the new formation of nerve cells and also stimulate new connections (synapses) in existing and new nerve cells.
The Macrophage Activation Factor MAF is an endogenous protein that activates macrophages and thus strengthens the body’s overall immune response. It therefore helps the body to fight diseases and stay healthy. By strengthening the immune system, the self-healing powers of the body are activated. MAF is produced in the body from the vitamin D-binding protein (DBP). This means that the vitamin D level must be sufficiently high for MAF to have an optimal effect. This target range is well above the standard values recommended by orthodox medicine.
Significant increase of desired immune cells
Not only the macrophages, but also other immune cells increase after taking Brainobact®: dendritic cells, NK cells and T-helper cells. An increase can also be observed in cytokines (immune messenger substances). These are proteins that play an important role in the coordination of the immune defense. They are produced and released by defense cells, but also by many non-immunological cells.
The mixture created by fermentation (using lactic acid bacteria) in combination with a unique proprietary technology activates the body’s own macrophage activation factor (MAF) and leads to a desired immune modulation throughout the body and thus also in the central nervous system.
Brainobact® in a nutshell
Furthermore, a reduction of so-called lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can be measured. Lipopolysaccharides are contained in the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. If the bacteria decay, parts of them are released. They have a toxic effect and can cause great damage in the human body.
Inflammation factors decrease
Finally, the two inflammation-promoting factors TNF-alpha and interleukin-6 (IL-6) are reduced when taking Brainobact®. Brainobact® thus counteracts inflammatory processes.

TNF-Alpha and Interleukin-6
Brainobact® promotes the targeted formation of the microbiome and simultaneously activates the body’s own macrophage activation factor (MAF) on a large scale. This manifests itself in an increase in macrophages, dendritic cells, NK cells and other cells of the immune system. At the same time, lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are reduced and the two pro-inflammatory factors TNF-alpha and interleukin-6 (Il-6) are inhibited, as shown in a study by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany.
How are microbiome and brain related?
There is a much more pronounced connection between the intestine and the brain than one would immediately suspect. People have felt this before. Even today, some idioms still point this out. For example, has a difficult situation ever caused you stomach aches? Or have you ever had butterflies in your stomach? Perhaps you have already relied on your gut feeling. For some time now, this so-called intestinal-brain axis has also been the subject of intensive scientific research and amazing results have been obtained. The gastrointestinal tract and brain communicate with each other.

This communication is extremely complex and takes place via various channels. The digestive tract is traversed by about 100 million nerve cells, which ultimately conduct signals back and forth between the intestine and brain via the large vagus nerve.
It is interesting to note that about 90% of communication originates from the intestine and not from the brain! This means that the intestine not only receives instructions from the brain but also sends signals to it. The intestine – the second brain?
Nowadays, it is also known that the bacteria that occur naturally in the intestine form a variety of messenger substances that send information to the brain via the intestinal-brain axis. The intestinal bacteria thus influence memory and emotions, for example! No wonder, then, that bacterial shifts in the intestine can also lead to neurological problems, among other things.
For a long time it was assumed that the central nervous system is separated from the immune system by the blood-brain barrier and eludes efficient immunological control. New findings in neuroimmunology prove us wrong: Brain and spinal cord are monitored by the immune system.
Immunological mechanisms can lead to neurological or psychiatric diseases and aggravate degenerative processes in the nervous system, etc. However, it is expected that the modulation of immunological mechanisms with Brainobact® can be used in the therapy of neurological diseases.
Brainobact® can help with these neurological diseases
– Autism spectrum disorders
– AD(H)S
– Stroke (aftercare: faster regeneration)
– Neurodegenerative diseases (dementia, Parkinson, Alzheimer)
– Multiple Sclerosis
– CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
– Depression
– Neuropathy
Two encouraging case reports
A 15-year-old adolescent with an autism spectrum disorder showed aggressive behavior prior to therapy*, especially in stressful situations or new challenges. Communication was very difficult: he was only able to focus on his counterpart for a few seconds and had major language problems.
After six months of therapy* his behavior became significantly calmer. He showed no more aggressive behavior even in challenging situations. Longer focussing was possible and he could perceive social contacts. The adolescent also began to speak now.
After eight months, the adolescent’s condition had improved once again. He showed significantly more balanced behavior and his medication was reduced. He could now handle stressful situations much better and in conversation with other people he was able to maintain eye contact for a longer period of time, which would have been unthinkable at the beginning. However, the most noticeable improvement was in the linguistic area; his vocabulary had increased massively and he was now able to pronounce the newly acquired words in a very understandable way. Upon instruction, the adolescent was able to adjust the volume when speaking, which was also impossible at the beginning.
* Erhaltene Therapie
- 3 Capsules Brainobact® per week (Immuno Vida)
additional daily intake of:
- 20 ml EM Multi ferment
- 2 x 5 ml Neovital
- 10 ml Omega-3 Vida
- 8000 IE Vitamin D3 Vida
Another child with an autism spectrum disorder showed typical behavioral patterns: He had difficulty with touching (even from close relatives), did not participate in social life and kept to himself. Therefore, special schooling was necessary and he was also dependent on medication (Ritalin etc.).
After 6 weeks of therapy*, the child began to seek closeness within the family and participated increasingly in social life.
After 18 months of therapy*, the child was able to attend regular school, participate normally in social life and the additional medication could be discontinued completely. Today the child is in a higher school and full of zest for life.
* Therapy received
- 3 Capsules Brainobact® per week (Immuno Vida)
additional daily intake of:
- 20 ml EM Multi ferment
- 6000 IE Vitamin D3 Vida
Massive Verbesserung
“After taking Brainobact® for about two months, we observed a massive improvement in our affected child with ASD. Our boy allowed more closeness and began to maintain eye contact. This was not possible before. In addition, he began to speak more easily and his vocabulary has gradually increased since then. We were also able to lower the existing medication slightly. Brilliant.”
A mother of a child affected by autism
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Why does Brainobact® help with neurological problems?
Scientists have found that some known strains of bacteria, such as the bacteroides in the intestine, are missing in certain neurological diseases. Bacteroides (or Bacteroidacea) are bacteria that belong to the standard flora of the human mucous membranes and thus also to the intestinal mucosa. According to studies, it is suspected that there is a connection between the missing bacterial strains and neurological problems.
Brainobact® promotes the re-introduction of the aforementioned bacterial strains that are absent in the case of disease. This has been proven in practical tests, even though the exact mechanism of action is still unclear. This is an observation from practice. However, after administration of Brainobact®, a strong new formation of neurons (nerve cells) and the stimulation of the formation of synapses could be observed. Observation (in vitro) of human neurons and glial cells (cells of the nervous system with, among other things, supporting and isolating functions) showed accelerated formation of new neurons and new synaptic connections after 24 hours.
This is an exciting approach in the field of neurological diseases. In the case of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) a significant improvement can be achieved by stimulating synapse formation and immunomodulation of the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS). ECS is involved in the regulation of a variety of physiological functions, such as brain development, memory, motor control, etc. Here, too, there are several case reports from renowned clinics and there are already several studies on this topic.
Specifically in ASA, remarkable success with the macrophage activating messenger was observed. A number of people affected by ASA have undergone a remarkable transformation after ingestion: Increase in social competence, character maturation, more balanced basic emotional state. In children, regular school attendance has even become possible where this was not the case before.[2]
[1] Bradstreet JJ, Vogelaar E, Thyer L (2012): Initial Observations of Elevated Alpha-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase Activity Associated with Autism and Observed Reductions from GC Protein-Macrophage Activating Factor Injections. Autism Insights 2012; 31-38.
[2] Siniscalco D, Bradstreet JJ, Cirillo A, Antonucci N (2014): The in vitro GcMAF effects on endocannabinoid system transcriptionomics, receptor formation, and cell activity of autism-derived macrophages. J Neuroinflammation 2014 Apr 17;11:78.
Intake recommendation Brainobact®
Neurological diseases: 2 capsules – 1x per week
Autism: 1 capsule – 3x per week (e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
The capsules must be taken on an empty stomach (30-60 minutes before breakfast).
Expected onset of effect: A general regeneration can be expected within a period of 3 to 6 months.
Side effects or contraindications: In rare cases, temporary side effects such as short-term fever or sleep disturbances may occur due to the conversion of the immune system. No contraindications are known.
In what form is Brainobact® available? Brainobact® is only available in capsules. It must be taken in an enteric capsule (do not open the capsule). Otherwise the stomach acid will reduce the effect of the bacteria mixture.
What must be taken into account when taking Brainobact®?
In addition to Brainobact®, vitamin D3 (about 7000 IU daily) must be supplemented to achieve the desired effect. For neurological diseases, a probiotic with at least 30 bacterial strains is recommended, which also enhances the effect of Brainobact®, e.g. EM Multi ferment.
Neurological diseases belong in the hands of professionals. Please consult a doctor or therapist for treatment and do not stop any ongoing drug therapy yourself.